

I personally get this a lot and it has finally come to head. It is an absurd notion to single out a group of people based on a description that meets everyone from time to time, but then again discrimination of any kind is absurd. So yes I am angry and coincidentally I am black as well. Turns out that makes me an angry black man for the duration of my duress; who would have thought. Though by the same rational wouldn’t that make an Asian man who is having a bad day an angry Asian man. Or say a Hispanic man who had a rough week and is frustrated with some aspect of life. Would that not make him an angry Hispanic man? So let’s really flip this on its head and get to the crux of the problem. No one says anything about a white man getting angry. He can have a bad day get angry and throw a grown man fit and no one cares until he is harming people. Even then after it is all said and done people afford him excuses for his behavior without being asked or deserving; worse it doesn’t see as much press either when it is at it’s height of dysfunction and disturbance.

In contrast to that, minorities are not allowed to get angry and they often also have real reasons to get angry too. Though when they do they are seen as a disturbance to the peace. A possible threat to the community or the public at large. People hush up around them and try to distance themselves. Fact is they are seen as a problem rather than just another person under the pressure of the human condition.

Although to be fair what minorities feel includes what non-minorities feel too, but also the frustration at the worlds oppression of their very existence. Now before we start going into reverse racism lets not forget that it is so prevalent that minorities are racist to themselves even more so than before. Why? Because there is a sub-sect of their race that they are embarrassed about; these dissenters of “civility.” They feel it is because of them, that they have to work so hard to prove the stereo types are not true. I have to be honest here, I tip 20% even if I get horrible service. If you are asking why, then let me tell you. It is apparently a fact that black people are the worst tippers in the world. Yes the entire world. When from my experience most people in general who “have” are the worst tippers.

I digress. To reiterate, minorities are absolutely not allowed to get angry. They are also not allowed to go out at night. Nor are they allowed to wear hoodies or clothing that can possibly conceal anything at all including their own shadow. Despite the fact that I am an adult, the statement “Be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing” is ever present in my mind. Matter of fact it really goes “Be at home whenever you are not at work.” Least I end up on the 6’o clock news. If you must be out and about, at least be with a non-minority that can vouch for you; it is often the safest bet.

Now I believe it is worth mentioning that when I get angry nothing happens aside from some crossed words or at worst a rant and rave which is not directed at anyone and are rare in occurance; much like most of the population. I neither act out, nor throw fits of rage destroying things (why would I damage my property? Why would I damage someone else’s?). I simply voice it and possibly brood after everyone is gone. However, in the privacy of my own home I get really dangerous; I might hit my fist on the table when I am losing a game to a 12 year old online. Which is exactly why I play single player games now, I don’t want the neighborhood watch to know I am angry. They might get together during the next HOA meeting and conspire to have me removed from my home.

Evey person is bound to find themselves angry at some point or another. It is an integral part of the human condition. Not based off of the condition of my skin tone or economic standing. This kind of discrimination is purely a man made fabrication based off of a preconceived notion passed down through the years. One that helps justify unwarranted fears and centuries of mistreatment.

Angry Men

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Posted by on November 22, 2013 in Life


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